



Food and Beverage - Casual Dining

نطاق العمل

  • Brand Refresh

  • Visual Identity Redesign

  • Messaging Strategy

  • Website Design & Development

Roc-N-Ramen, celebrated for its tonkotsu ramen, sought to transition its success from New Rochelle to GCC. Element8 was tasked with a brand refresh to resonate with the diverse GCC audience, emphasizing Roc-N-Ramen's identity of fun and family.




Adapting to the GCC market presented Roc-N-Ramen with a multifaceted challenge that required a nuanced and strategic approach. Beyond the need to maintain the authenticity of its identity, the brand sought to navigate the intricate tapestry of the cultural diversity. This challenge extended beyond culinary adjustments; it required a holistic brand strategy that could seamlessly integrate Roc-N-Ramen’s essence with the unique cultural nuances prevalent in the GCC region.

دراسات حالة أخرى

    إذا كانت شركتك تسعى لتحديد أهداف نمو واضحة، فكر في الشراكة مع العنصر 8 لتمهيد طريقك نحو النجاح.